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2007 December 26

Created by Annie and Jemma 16 years ago
Motor Neurone disease 1 year on - written Dec 2007 While everyone around me exclaim that they can’t believe its Christmas already and hasn’t this year simply flown by; I think to myself it is almost as though time stands still for me. I contemplate this. Is it because my life expectancy (in average terms) is now reduced to between 1 –3 years and its nature’s way of coping with a limited lifespan. Or is it because my time is spent resting now that the body is weaker and so time appears to go slowly. A butterfly who only lives 4 days, knows no different whereas I can remember well how days flew past when I was busy doing all the things we working mothers and wives do. (it all changed in February 2005 when I had my first symptom).